In late October 2010 I realized I needed
a hobby that would interest me and that I would enjoy.
I have always been interested in wine (mostly drinking) and
so thought that I might like to try wine making.
Looking up information on the internet is
a fairly easy task, but finding worthwhile information takes time
and effort. My spare
time for over a week was spent looking for information.
While there is a lot of data available, finding useful
information is harder.
A good place for general information are
Wine Making Talk discussion forum, there
I found links to many interesting and useful references and other
Advantage of starting with kits
More to come!
My first effort at making my own wine was in the late 1960’s (I was
a teenager about 17 years old) in Florida trying to make orange
wine. Not knowing anything about, it was less than successful
(miserable failure is a good description). Fast forward
40 years, and here I go again, but this time I spent more time and
effort learning what to do. Where
possible I will place worthwhile references under the links heading.